
If you need an oil change, an entire engine replaced, a timing belt, you failed the state emissions test, or you have a check engine light that is driving you crazy, Nofsinger's Auto Repair has the solution for your auto maintenance and auto service needs.
Auto repair services include: 

Registered State Emission Repair Facility (Check out
our grade on the IL Air Team Auto Repair Report Card)
Timing Belt
Engine Tuning
EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection) Service and Repairs 
ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) Service and Repairs 
Power Window and Door Lock Repair 
Drivability Diagnostics 
Clutch Service 
Engine Service and Repairs 
Brake Service and Repairs 
Cooling System (Radiator) Service 
Steering and Suspension Service 
Electrical Diagnosis and Repair 
Air Conditioning Service and Repairs 
Windshield Service 
Oil Changes & Safety Inspections
All Maintenance Services
Car Inspections       

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